We could say we’re the best in your area because we offer so much more than other schools. But we’ll let you make that decision! From our friendly, knowledgeable and well-trained staff to our clean, safe and well-equipped facilities, we have the perfect program just for YOU.
Our programs a specifically designed for age groups and abilities that have classes as follows;
- KINDY KARATE 3.5 – 5 year old classes
- KIDS KARATE 6 – 10 year old classes
- ADVANCED KARATE 11-12 year old Beginners and Advanced students (green belt and above)
- ADULT’s & TEENAGER’s 13 years and older classes
- Helps release stress and tension
- Realistic & effective self-defence built in to every Program
- Builds a sound body as well as a sound mind
- Enhances conditioning, flexibility, agility, coordination
- Can aide in weight reduction and increase stamina
- Develops confidence, respect, discipline, character, concentration and leadership ability
- Promotes a feeling of well being and greater self esteem
- Will energise your life in a fun and exciting way
- We will provide you with a safe and positive environment
- We will promote conflict avoidance and develop awareness of negative peer pressure
- Help develop goal setting and achieve higher self esteem
- Training promote’s better schooling
- Greater understanding of respect & discipline
- Develop a positive and winning attitude
- Teamwork and team building
- You will learn the Black Belt success program we have developed for 2016
As well as offering a comprehensive range of world class syllabuses covering all facets of Martial Arts suitable for the whole family, BMA-Busselton Martial Arts offers all members the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of other Martial Arts activities to enhance their learning and Martial Arts Journey.
Some of these include and are currently in development as we speak
- Specialised Children’s Autumn Karate Camp held in Busselton
- Access to Australia’s leading network of Martial Arts Instructor Seminar’s through the AKF (Australian Karate Federation)
- Access to the WORLD’s leading martial arts historian and world renown master instructor Patrick MaCarthy Hanshi (9th Dan)
- Dojo Tai Kai (big training/gathering)
- Exclusive Master Seminar’s from Chief Instructor Craig Crampton Shihan
- BMA is known for having special guest instructors several times a year
- BMA in known for organising travel to other associated Dojo’s
- BMA’s exclusive CLAN REWARDS competition for students, encouraging behaviour to intertwine with school, home and the Dojo.
- BMA is highly social as well. We have many opportunities for gatherings that range from;
- Dinners
- Ten Pin Bowling / Paintball / Lasertag parties for Adults 13yrs+
- Adult local region brewery/wine tours
- Local Watering Hole visits
- Casual BBQ’s and gatherings
- Camping Trips
- BMA exclusive member’s only events such as;
- Kids Movie Nights at the Dojo (parents get to go out for dinner)
- BMA Thursday Night Fight Nights
- BMA Private Fridays (opportunites to book 15min sessions for private tuition)
- BMA Clan Parties for the winning CLAN of that season
- BMA’s Famous Choas Night (Parents come in for training with their children)
- BMA’s Traditional Halloween Night
- BMA’s Board Breaking Achievement Nights
- Specialised Weapon classes for Adults’s
- Exclusive further leadership and training courses (SWAT Membership)